Greener options
According to research, nature has a calming effect on employees and helps them to feel creative, happier and healthier. While a pleasant view of the outside results in faster and better performance, the use of plants, green spaces and natural colours also helps in breaking the drab monotony of office interiors. Companies are likely to go a step further in 2018 and apply a ‘green’ touch to all their processes. This includes green walls to provide privacy, renewable energy sources, green web hosting and even locally sourced food and beverages for the cafeteria.
Dynamic spaces
Dynamic spaces are expected to dominate office design in 2018 as they provide a moveable, constantly changing and engaging environment to millennials. They offer you the opportunity to transform a space for office parties and switch it back to traditional conference rooms or meeting areas. Dynamic spaces allow you to be more creative with the office space and create maximum use for the same areas. Such spaces are marked by mobile and lightweight furniture, plants and containers and moveable green wall dividers.
Cutting edge technology
New technology is proving to be a great tool for employees that want to make a point creatively and overhaul the way meetings are held. Augmented reality and virtual reality tools are expected to be a part of the office landscape in 2018 helping workers makes a fresh approach to their work. For instance, marketing and sales personnel can close deals with a virtual test drive of a product or service or a face-to-face call.
Businesses are waking up to the fact that performance-focused workplace design can be an effective strategic move. The right office environment not only drives employee excellence and business goals but also boosts the company’s bottom line. The coming year is expected to usher some exciting changes in office design that will challenge conventions and create new benchmarks of excellence.